26 August 2008

More work at Ekwendeni and Livingstonia; first eye clinic at lakeshore

The 2008 team has just returned from the fourth Focus on Malawi trip. At Ekwendeni Hospital, Sue Kevan and Jim Seymour did a number of clinics, taking time to train local staff, and visited the blind school. At Livingstonia Hospital (David Gordon Memorial Hosptial), they did some ad hoc clinics in a spare room.

For the first time, a day-long clinic was done in a remote village health clinic on the lakeshore below Livingstonia. Many people were seen and it was good to demonstrate what could be achieved with some portable equipment, plus boxes of second-hand glasses and ready-readers. The people in this area have little or no access to eye-care. Again, Sue and Jim were able to train local medical assistants who will be able to do further work in the future.

We'll post more info on the trip in the following days. Thanks again to all donors, supporters and pray-ers!

21 August 2008

Malawi trip 2008

The next visit to Ekwendeni and Livingstonia Hospitals is set for August 24th to September 13th. We're now stuffing our luggage to the limit with second-hand glasses, ready-readers and optical equipment. This is in addition to all the glasses, cases and pieces of equipment shipped out via Raven Trust containers over the past year. So there should be plenty for us to do when we get there. The picture shows some of the many second-hand glasses donated at Boots, Basildon, and supplied to us measured and labelled by Hazel Skeet, their dispensing optician.